Cold Turkey

Cold Turkey

I think many people this year will be more than a bit saddened at the prospect of a less traditional holiday. That would be perfectly valid, however, ever the bright-sider, I say consider this: You get an actual staycation this year.

You don’t have to do as many dishes today, or put up with Uncle Pete’s beer farts. You don’t have to worry about setting your house ablaze with whatever this years novel turkey preparation calls for or sharing couch space with relatives who don’t share your love of non-traditional holiday activities. Like, say, raiding, rolling for initiative, or being sober.

Instead, you can stay in your jammies or eat a giant bowl of peanut butter captain crunch with chocolate milk, watching anything other than football, or just breathe knowing you’re keeping yourself, and your loved ones, safer by not getting together for turkey day. I know it sucks, but next year will come.

There’s always much to be thankful for if we look for it.

Guest artwork being featured**

Guest artwork being featured**

This year, I’m thankful my wonderful other half is tucked away safely in her corner of the world. That my sister, niece, and brother-in-law are all hunkered down at home. I’m even thankful for this annoying quarantine – this is the first Thanksgiving in what feels like ages I haven’t had to work.

I get to eat with my best buddy and housemate, Dwayne, whose made it very clear how much he missed that. Me, too, man. Me, too. But this year, for better or worse, it’s going to be different.

Dinner has arrived and consists of a great slab of turkey, mashed potatoes, a slurry that resembles yams, a bit of stuffing, gravy, green beans, and what can only be described as a miniscule container of cranberry sauce. We were also, and got a small wedge of pumpkin pie, a scoop of salad, and a few random condiments that don’t seem to fit with the rest.

All of this would be wonderful, if it wasn’t ice cold and congealed into more or less one solid brick.

I get it, my dinner had to get to me alongside 128 others, not only that, but it had to stop at three different locations, and take a brief bus ride, to get to me. I’ll just heat it up in the microwave and it’ll be edible…of course, with the recent quarantine, the dayroom use for my cell won’t happen for another seven hours.

We’re given 45 minutes to cook, shower, synch our tablets at the Jpay kiosks, and call home. Dwayne and I are old pros at navigating lockdowns; we’ll make it work. In the meantime, I’m going to chow down on a bologna and cheese sandwich with some sun chips, a tangerine, and a little brownie. All in all, I’m thankful I have all of these things, I’m well aware there are many without, many in worse circumstances.

At least I have food and a good friend to share it with. Happy Thanksgiving.

Pandemic Fail

Pandemic Fail

Quarantine Eats

Quarantine Eats